The homepage of Aditya Bansod, aka, me. Geek, traveller, casual blogger, and resident of Hayes Valley, San Francisco. This is my blog.
Maybe my work bio will do a better job of saying “About”:
Aditya is a healthcare entrepreneur and a startup advisor and consultant.
If you’d like to get in touch, email me, leave a comment or find me @adityabansod or on LinkedIn.
Random places I’ve been found in the internets:
- Can Bots Take the Patient Experience to the Next Level?, HIT Consultant, October 2018
- Ask the right questions before diving in to healthcare CRM, TechTarget, September 2018
- CRM in healthcare: A look inside its muddled world, TechTarget, September 2018
- Mobile app development’s learning curve, interview at O’Reilly Fluent, May 2012
- Motorola Xoom: The HTML5 Developer’s Scorecard, Sencha Blog, February 2011 (mentioned at Network World, Guardian, Computer Weekly, Daringfireball, Ars Technica)
- Interview about AIR for TV, Adobe Edge Newsletter, November 2010
- Flash Platform for TV: A New Ecosystem, Adobe MAX 2010, October 2010
- Adobe AIR for TV Overview Video, Adobe TV, October 2010
- What’s new in Adobe AIR 2.5, Adobe Developer Connection, October 2010
- Guide for Apple App Store submissions, Adobe Developer Connection, October 2010
- Flash Player 10.1 on Google TV, Adobe TV, May 2010
- Extending the Adobe Flash Platform Across Screens, National Association of Broadcasters, Adobe TV, April 2010
- How Apple is Dogfighting to Control Your News, Gakwer, March 2010
- Developing for iOS using Flash, Adobe Developer Connector, October 2009 (mentioned at Daringfireball)
- Building Applications for iPhone with Flash Pro CS5 (first presentation, second presentation), Adobe MAX 2009, October 2009
- Linus Torvalds blogs about nerding out, kids, and America, Valleywag, October 2008