This week’s track is Wolves at the Door by David Bazan off of Strange Negotiations. I had asked a friend (thanks Dan P) for some recommendations for music that was rock-y, like Crosses was a few weeks back but new and fresh and this came back as his recommendation. Great album and the first few tracks on the album are really solid rock arrangements. There are a few songs in there that are more power-ballad-esque, which I don’t think work with Bazan’s delivery, but the drums, electric guitar, lead singer, jam songs are great. Now, this song, I’ve read the lyrics a few times and I can’t for the life of me figure out what it’s about, but I love the hook: “Cuz you’re a goddamn fool / and I love you / yeah I love you”. It’s either about actual wolves eating the protagonist’s family (unlikely as that is) or some very anti-government death-to-taxes story. Whatever it is, it makes for catch rocky music.