I landed in Bangalore at about 130am this morning, and later in the morning I presented Sencha Designer 2 at the India Software Developer Conference in Bangalore. Hosted by the magazine Silicon India, it’s the 5th or 6th time they’ve had this conference and the attendance at the show was over 600 people. It’s a weekend show so I was pretty surprised by the attendance. Comically while I was presenting, my laptop once fell off the podium in a huge thud and the lapel mic cut out on me a handful of times.
I attended the “Development” track, and from my vantage, the event was mostly focused around more enterprise software development, with a lot of speakers talking about Java and about cloud solutions. While a lot of the stuff around Java EE and that sort of stuff was largely lost on me, there were a few interesting sessions on the cloud side. I’d never seen much about Windows Azure and one of the sessions was an Azure 101. Looks like it has some very cool features that are very different than AWS or GAE. If I had an app to deploy, it would be interesting to check out. There was one feature it had which was a “migrate SQL” tool to migrate your installed Microsoft on-prem SQL Server instance to the cloud. I can’t imagine how hard that feature would be to build. Very impressive.
I’m in Bangalore until tomorrow evening, then off the Pune for a few days then back to San Francisco by mid-week.