originally posted 24 march 07, 7:14am.
RedYawning is down again, so this is going to be posted on LiveJournal until RY is back up.
Yesterday morning we did a walking around tour of San Jose and ended upon the Post Office and what seemed like a few of the central square-ish places. The people in San Jose were quite attractive, compared to some of the other places we have been. The post office itself was cool with a colonial exterior and the inside was a bit cavernous. We got brunch at this little hole in the wall on the street somewhere (good memory, eh?). For me, it was a fantastic plate of a fried egg, rice and beans (gallio pinto), and tortillas.
Our flight to Mexico City was long and pretty uneventful. We arrived at the airport in San Jose around 1pm and did not arrive at the hotel in Mexico City until about 1230am. The first flight was short and landed us in Panama City, where I took some cool pictures of the Panama Canal. While not very impressive from 10,000 feet, the sheer number of boats and ships that are in the waters in the area near it is unlike anything I have ever seen. The flight out of Panama City was delayed an hour after they had boarded us already and we had to deplane. When the flight arrived, it arrived on the complete other side of the airport so we had to walk for something like 20 minutes to get to imigration. Plus, the imigration agent only gave me a 30 day entry visa while Jamus got 90 days. Go figure.
Today we head out to the huge pyrimad complex that is near MX city. I cannot recall the name but it is supposed to have the third largest pyrimaid in the world. Ruins! Then back to SF tomorrow am.