Yesterday Megan, Minna and I spent ~11 hour writing a 30 something page document ‘summarizing’ the findings and recomendations of our work here. We met at 10AM and and hopped from cafe to cafe writing on our three laptops not fininishing till something like 9PM. Now, we’re finally done! Before the write-a-thon, I woke up a bit early and walked around parts of Helsinki, visiting the Russian Church, taking a look around the German Church as well and the part that it was on. It was a nice and relaxing stroll in the morning before a greuling day of writing. Pictures are here.
After finnishing the report, we met up for dinner at a resturant (Koing?) off the Esplande, which had some great food and after a long dinner of talking and laughing, we went off to check out an “ice bar”, which ended up being way tourist trappy. Basically, this bar had taken a room and stuck a huge AC in it chilled it to around 20 F. Once the novelty of the bar wore off, we went over to another bar called “We Got Beef” (as suggesting as the name is, it wasn’t a gay bar) and talked for a while. It was a good way to wind down from an intense week of work.
Today (Friday) is some more sightseeing in Helsinki and then in the evening we say goodbye to Minna and take a ferry over to Tallinn, Estonia to spend a day there until we return tomorrow evening for our flight to London. Let’s see how the Tallinn trip goes. It should prove to be interesting. In any case, I’ll likely not be posting pictures or blogging until Monday (GMT) since I’ll be on the go.