This last weekend was quite a whirlwhind. Well, to begin, it really started last Tuesday when Shane and Ethan flew up to OAK to spend the week up in the Bay Area. Justin and I had dinner with them Tuesday night at Fisherman’s Wharf then brought them down to Sunnyvale where they spent the night at my house. The next day they went to Santa Cruz with Hallie (sp?) and came back Thursday morning. I lent them my car for the rest of the day and they went up to SF to visit Cambra and Chris, who both work at Banana Republic in the City. Then on Friday we all hung out after I got off of work. At dinner Justin came by and the three of us went to SJC and picked up Ami. After that it was partying in Palo Alto. The next day we all went to breakfast at Hobbe’s, then Ami and I dropped Ethan and Shane off at OAK, then went over to the City and hung out there for a while. We went to Chinatown, Fisherman’s Wharf, drove through downtown and then saw Chicago The Musical. Coincidentailly enough, we ran in to Derek and Hahn at the musical. Then on Sunday, we went to Hayward to visit Ami’s cousins and took them to Jack London Square in Oakland. After all that, Ami went home last night and it’s back to another week of work.